Nina Bella
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Nina moves naturally between traditional satyanada yoga, modern free flowing vinyasa and explorative dance yoga. Her center of gravity is deeply rooted in the interconnectedness of AcroYoga merging yoga, acrobatics and healing arts into oneness. With creativity, movement and spirituality as her guiding stars she turns the world upside down and inside out. Even before she met her first yoga teacher the seed of yoga was planted. At an early age books, music and teachers of dance and theatre made a deep impact as they evoke the experience of our body, mind, soul connection in action. Yogic elements were brought into the space of art and improvisation. Deep relaxation, breath awareness and sun salutations were all present. And most of all a culture of acceptance, inclusivity and joy of movement.
Together with her soulmate and co-teacher Boris she runs the project AcroBhakti that invites to serious playfulness and full presence with a warmhearted pedagogy.
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Malmö, Sweden
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