Chelsey Magness has been taking her practice off the mat since the day she was born. Her insatiable free spirit has led her to becoming somewhat of a modern day renaissance woman. Part professional racer, yogini, rock climber, acrobat, slackliner lover of all rivers, Chelsey blurs the lines between adventure yoga by coaxing her students out of their comfort zone into new realms of experience. As a member of the YogaSlackers, she teaches vinyasa, slackline yoga AcroYoga that are inspired by her outdoor passions. She is a twice certified yoga instructor a life-long student of mother earth. In the search for potions of love, happiness, and immortality, there are many ingredients that are difficult to find. Even if one can pinpoint the ingredient, it is almost impossible to successfully distill the essence in a way that is useable. Most sages do agree however, that Chelsey's laugh is one such ingredient. So far all attempts at bottling it have failed. Until such time, our only option is to stay close to her....
Bend, OR, United States
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