Pablo AcroYoga
While takings his Classical Guitar Major, Pablo met Yoga, practicing Kundalini and Hatha yoga with different styles and teachers. Being a musician gave him the chance to share with many yogis in his city, Bogota, to come and share his music and voice. This is how Acroyoga and Pablo met, singing, flying and celebrating, and now AcroYoga is very big part in his life. He has the believe that every powerful knowledge that is shared reaches it's purpose if smiles start to come more natural on student's faces. Youth is the stronger medicine for people's lives, and through the playfulness of acroyoga he believes it can be reached by many.
Besides his music, yoga and acroyoga teaching, he co-owns Gira BC, a company dedicated to the development of people, groups and companies through art, culture and wellness.
He is certified as an ©Acroyoga Level 1 & 2 teacher, regular yoga teacher by ©HeartCore Yoga , ©Rainbowkids Yoga for kids and families, and ©Youth Yoga Dharma for yoga and mindfullness.
Bogotá - Bogota, Colombia
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