Largest AcroYoga Jam in San Diego - Every Week at Aerial Revolution
All Levels Jam
Taught by Nathan Edwards - AcroYoga Jambassador & Official Host for 2+ years
The weekly donation-based jam at Aerial Revolution takes place on wall-to-wall 2" thick gymnastic flooring that's soft and protective. We get 20-30+ people every week and it's a fun, supportive place to play. $5 suggested donation. I've been hosting these for several years and AR has been allowing us to use their space for 4+ years. Half the donation $ goes to the studio to help pay for the space and the other half goes to our AcroYoga Scholarship Fund that sends a handful of people to Divine Play and other workshops every year. Come be a part of it. No partner required.
Aerial Revolution, Napa Street, San Diego, CA, United States
Largest AcroYoga Jam in San Diego - Every Week at Aerial Revolution on
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