נפגשים לעוף AcroYoga Jams
The meetings are suitable for all levels, all ages - but please note that they do not include formal training. They are free. Anyone and everyone are welcome and received with an open heart and a big smile. If you just started out – come and learn from the more advanced. If you are already advanced – great – come and we will be happy to learn from you and share our experience. With the exception of major natural catastrophes such as rain, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, we meet every Thursday and Saturday. Thursday Jams usually start at 5 p.m in the middle of Ginat Dubnov (Dubnov park): https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Dubnov+Park%2C+Dubnov%2C+Tel+Aviv%2C+Israel&hl=en&ll=32.078429%2C34.782543&spn=0.015036%2C0.033023&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=56.768363%2C135.263672&oq=dubnov+park+tel+aviv&hq=Dubnov+Park%2C&hnear=Dubnov%2C+Tel+Aviv-Yafo%2C+Israel&t=m&z=16 Saturday Jams usually start at around 3 to 4:30 PM, depending on weather and season at Park Hayarkon, opposite Kosowski street #46: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=HaRav+Kosowski+46%2C+Tel+Aviv%2C+Israel&hl=en&ll=32.098154%2C34.797606&spn=0.015033%2C0.033023&sll=32.099936%2C34.805889&sspn=0.015033%2C0.033023&hnear=HaRav+Kosowski+46%2C+Tel+Aviv-Yafo%2C+Israel&t=m&z=16 Please note that you are responsible for your own safety. The use of spotters is strongly advised. Practitioners are required to pay attention to their surroundings and take responsibility for themselves and their environments, despite an intense desire to jump up and forward (yes we know how fun it gets….) Please feel free to come in and join. You can also approach us with any questions you may have either during the jams or through a post here. Have lots of fun and fly safely.
Tel Aviv, Israel

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